So February is nearly over and I am settling down into the year. School is back and I have been working on a new doll. She is called "for my children" and is made of fabric and paperclay. You may recall her face - she started life with a lamp shade base but, you know , sometimes you just can't get the stride going. Anyway, she morphed into a light base that one of the kids had owned - still wanting the light to shine through, so to speak! Around her base are the words which refer to collecting and putting things in order so that my children will understand.....a mothers role but with the value of recycling integral to the meaning. I have used many found objects that the kids are familiar with to re-enforce that visual knowledge. She has a Silver eye bird on her arm - a local dweller - and computer part hat and I have created the fabric for her clothing with the embellisher machine and free machine embroidery. As too, the fabric in her hand.
Paperclay legs are a new step for me and overall I feel that I have achieved my intention.